Sunday, November 16, 2008

Use forums to promote your blog

A very simple yet effective way to promote your blog is through the use of online forums. The first thing to do is to find a couple of forums related to the topic of your blog and register up. is an excellent resource to find large forums. Currently they track almost 2000 of the largest online boards on the Internet.

Once you pick a couple of forums and register up you will need to customize your profile. Most of the boards allow the user to create a signature, make sure you use it to place a link to your blog with a small description of what users will find there.

Now you are set, just engage in the discussions and contribute with useful information, so that people will want to check out your signature link.

6 good online forums

Some time ago I wrote about how you can use forums to promote your blog. Below I will list 6 very good forums for people interested in blogging and Internet opportunities in general, make sure you check them out.

Make your comments funny

A very good way to promote your blog across the Internet it to leave comments over other blogs that cover a similar topic or niche. Most of the times, however, you will notice that every comment will attract one or two visitors, if you are lucky.

One of the things I noticed over the time is that whenever I made a funny comment it increased the number of visitors clicking on the link above the comment. The logic is quite simple, if you make people laugh they will want to check out who you are or what you write about. So the next time you leave a comment somewhere try add a bit of humor to it.

Clever use of Google AdWords

The picture above is a screenshot that I took from Darren Rowse’s Problogger site. This is a very clever use of AdWords. If you pay attention all the Google ads carry a feature called “Advertise on this site”, but not many people seem to take advantage of that.

John Chow designed a funny and very targeted ad, and placed it over the Problogger site since he knows that such audience will probably find the content of his site also valuable. If you are going to spend money on pay per click advertising campaigns you should consider using this strategy, it certainly helps the click through rate and the quality of the visitors that you will get.

Are Technorati Tags Useless?

Sometime ago there was a strong buzz around the blogosphere about adding the Technorati tags to blogs. If you head to the Technorati help section, in fact, you will find the following advice:

When you add Tags to your post, this will allow your posts to be listed in Technorati’s tag search from “”. To add the tags, add the below code for each tag you’d like add to your post into the body of your post (very important, since we only read tags if they are in the body of the post)

Apart from Technorati’s advice to include the tags on blog posts there were a lot of bloggers defending the case, and the main arguments that I heard were:

  • technorati tags will allow more people to find your blog
  • technorati tags will increase the traffic coming from Technorati
  • technorati tags will increase the keyword density of your posts
  • technorati tags will increase your search engine traffic

The arguments were quite convincing, and since one out of two blogs that I visited were actually using the tags I decided to give it a shot. On the following weeks I did receive a couple of extra visitors from Technorati, and the number of people coming through search engines like Google was also increasing steadily so I decided to leave the tags where they were.

A couple of months ago, however, I completely redesigned my blog and the process removed the Technorati tags from the template. Before placing them back to the blog I decided to monitor the statistics for a couple of weeks, and to my surprise the number of visitors coming from Technorati was exactly equal to the period when the tags were on. The number of search engine referrals was also still growing on the same pace as before.

You can guess that at his point I was getting skeptical about the usefulness of the tags. In order to get a more clear picture of the situation I decided to research about the Top 100 Popular blogs on Technorati, and here is the results I gathered:

  • out of the 100 most popular blogs only 7 were using tags in blog posts
  • of those who did, 4 were using internal tags (i.e. Tags linking to internal pages)
  • only 3 out of 100 were actually using the Technorati Tags (i.e. Linking to Technorati)

The results speak for themselves. If that was not enough I also checked 9 of the most popular SEO blogs on the Internet (you can check the list here). Those guys are supposed to know their way around search engine optimization, and none of them were using the Technorati tags.

Summing up, there is very little evidence in favor of using the Technorati tags. If you are still using the tags you should reconsider the value that they bring to your blog, and whether they are not just cluttering your template.

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